Behind The Pages of GEMINOS
Welcome to the behind the "scenes" pages of my sci-fi action thriller book: GEMINOS. Hopefully you have read the book, which will give you more appreciation of this post. I'm going to let you in on some of the background to the story and touch on some behind the scene parts of the series' progress.
How Does GEMINOS Relate to Book 1?
The first book: THE FUTURE IS SET, ends off with Josh Brannon making an important decision to continue his quest - I won't add any spoilers here to Book 1. The second book: GEMINOS, continues the story 4 months later - I mention it in the first chapter. Although this book involves a new case Brannon is assigned to investigate, it all ties in with his unusual experiences that began in Book 1.
How Long Did GEMINOS Take to Write?
Bear in mind I'm not a full-time author - yet, I still have to work to pay the bills, so only write in what little spare time I have. And, as a self-published author, I currently do everything myself, which adds time.
Okay, so I started writing the first chapter on the 25th September 2021 and finished the last chapter on the 20th March 2022. It took me around 6 months to get the first draft done which was so much faster than Book 1. I have listed how long each chapter took me to finish. You can see my steady progress here:
- CHAPTER 1: 1 day (a good start off the mark)
- CHAPTER 2: 7 days
- CHAPTER 3: 7 days
- CHAPTER 4: 7 days
- CHAPTER 5: 8 days
- CHAPTER 6: 8 days
- CHAPTER 7: 7 days
- CHAPTER 8: 7 days
- CHAPTER 9: 7 days
- CHAPTER 10: 13 days
- CHAPTER 11: 15 days
- CHAPTER 12: 10 days
- CHAPTER 13: 10 days
- CHAPTER 14: 11 days
- CHAPTER 15: 4 days
- CHAPTER 16: 12 days
- CHAPTER 17: 1 day
- CHAPTER 18: 8 days
- CHAPTER 19: 7 days
- CHAPTER 20: 14 days
- CHAPTER 21: 7 days
- CHAPTER 22: 7 days
When Was GEMINOS Published?
As you can see above, writing GEMINOS was so much faster than my first book. And it's also longer, at just over 78,000 words. So, after editing, formatting, and designing my own book cover, I finally published it on 6th December 2022.
But you might be thinking, why so long to get it published?
The answer is; after I self-edited the book (yes, I can't afford an editor yet so I do my own, so please let me know of any mistakes), I changed my editing process that will better allow for audiobook versions in the future - something else I'm considering doing myself. So, I went through and edited the whole manuscript again, which took a while to complete. On top of that, I also re-edited my first book which is now a Version 2.
List of Characters in GEMINOS
GEMINOS retains many of the main and secondary characters from the first book, but also introduces new ones. I have listed the characters of the book and their character roles.
The main characters in the book:
- Josh Brannon: Intelligence operative
- Sofia Du Bois: Lawyer, member of View Corp, and Josh's love interest
- Michael Harris: Intelligence services case officer I/C and Josh's boss
- Flash: Intelligence services tech support in T-Branch (Technical Branch)
- Mark Radnus: CEO of GeneRobotix - bio-tech company
- Dr Anthony Faust: Doctor / scientist at GeneRobotix - a silent but prominent character
- Chris Nugent: Brannon's recruiter - this guy is moving up the chain. I'll say no more
- Sir Charles Godfrey: Politician - someone to keep an eye on
- Jonesy: A mechanic with a hidden past
- Farhad: Taxi driver that helps Josh
The secondary characters in the book:
These are the rest of the book's characters listed alphabetically. As with the first book, I haven't included characters with minimal appearance. Although some of these characters have a secondary role in this book, they will take on a main character role in the 3rd book in the series. You'll just have to wait and see who it will be.
- Azzam Yousef Jamel: Arms dealer
- Christina: Hotel waitress
- Dr Andrews: Psychiatrist
- Dr Franklin: Neurosurgeon
- Franks: Intelligence operative
- Hill Brothers (Bazza and Bernie): Ex-gangster hardmen
- Jennifer Baxter: Department head at GeneRobotix
- Mark Maro: Security manager at dockyard
- Mason: Intelligence operative
- Mohammed: Martial arts instructor at the Office
- Rachael Banks: Whistle-blower at GeneRobotix
- Sergeant Allan Crofts: Counter Terrorism Specialist Firearms Unit
- Smithy: Armourer and range controller at the Office
- Tomblin: Tech support in T-Branch (Technical Branch)
The Locations of The Story
The story begins in and around London, but part way through the book Brannon is forced to Munich, Germany. This time I've named notable landmarks to give some familiarity with the story which I didn't do in Book 1. I will continue to do this here on out. Just as a hint for the 3rd book, Brannon will be travelling overseas for a very personal reason.
The Story's Weapons, Equipment, Gadgets and Technology
Weapons and equipment always seem to be of interest, particularly any secret gadgets used by the characters in the book. Some of the gear used by the characters is genuine and some imaginary - but who knows, they could be real. I've listed them here:
- SQRV (Surveillance and Quick Reaction Vehicle): Josh's company car
- Heckler & Koch MP7 submachine gun
- SIG Sauer P226 pistol
- Sniffer: Flash's handheld computer / keylogger device
- GRX-5 chip: GeneRobotix mind control chip
- SIG Sauer P6 pistol
- Mossberg 590 shotgun
- Labyrinth System: The Office's clandestine computer system
- Chinese NZ85B 9mm pistol
- Chinese QSV-92 semi-automatic pistol
- Chinese QCW-05 submachine gun
- Covert radio system
- Vehicle GPS tracker
- Tactical vest
- Night vision binoculars (video / photo imaging and data transmission capability)
- Secure untraceable encrypted mobile phone
- Digital audio recorder
- Life-containment pod
- Human tracker implant
- Handheld X-ray scanner
The Story's Unanswered Questions Answered
What is the name of the intelligence department Brannon works for?
I had a bit of trouble identifying and naming the intelligence department in the book and kept referring to it as the "Company" or "Office" as I did in the first book. I have now put some thought into it and although I haven't officially stated it in the storyline yet, I have decided upon a name. I have decided to keep it as the "Office", colloquially, but OFFICE as an acronym:
O - OfficeF - forF - Foreign and DomesticI - Intelligence andC - CounterE - Espionage
The OFFICE is a fictitious department of the UK government's intelligence arm and is a little-known entity purposely kept on the fringes and out of the public eye. It is used primarily for unsanctioned intelligence work.
Where does the story go from here?
With only two books in the Josh Brannon series so far, it's really only getting started. The book GEMINOS leaves a bit of an open ending to the story that still needs to be satisfied. There are also other unknown factors in the story, that I have hinted at in both books so far, but I am not revealing what until much later. So, subscribe to my emails below and I'll let you know once Book 3 is out.

A JOSH BRANNON Sci-fi Action Thriller
Join Josh Brannon in
the 2nd book in the series of EXCITING action-packed science-fiction thrillers.